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Quotations about poetry

AristotlePoetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

 - Aristotle

Tags:   history  poetry  

Try to write poems at least one person in the room will hate.

 - Marvin Bell

Tags:   poetry  

Matthew ArnoldThe best poetry will be found to have a power of forming, sustaining, and delighting us, as nothing else can.

 - Matthew Arnold

Tags:   delight  poetry  

AristotleThe difference between a historian and a poet is not that one writes in prose and the other in verse -- indeed the writings of Herodotus could be put into verse and yet would still be a kind of history, whether written in metre or not. The real difference is this, that one tells what happened and the other what might happen. For this reason poetry is something more scientific and serous than history, because poetry tends to give general truths while history gives particular facts.

 - Aristotle

Tags:   facts  history  poetry  

David HumeNothing is so improving to the temper as the study of the beauties either of poetry, eloquence, music, or painting.

 - David Hume

Tags:   music art  poetry  temper  

Horace Mediocrity is not allowed to poets, either by the gods or men.

 - Horace

Tags:   mediocrity  poetry  

Samuel Taylor ColeridgeReviewers are usually people who would have been poets, historians, biographers . . . if they could; they have tried their talents at one or the other, and have failed; therefore they turn critics.

 - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tags:   criticism  critics  poetry  writing  

Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIn poetry, in which every line, every phrase, may pass the ordeal of deliberation and deliberate choice, it is possible, and barely possible, to attain that ultimatum which I have ventured to propose as the infallible test of a blameless style; namely: its untranslatableness in words of the same language without injury to the meaning.

 - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tags:   poetry  writing