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Quotations about lawyers

Robert FrostA jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer.

 - Robert Frost

Tags:   jury  justice  lawyers  

Lawyers are plants that will grow in any soil that is cultivated by the hands of others; and when once they have taken root they will extinguish every other vegetable that grows around them. The most ignorant, the most bungling member of that profession will, if placed in the most obscure part of the country, promote litigiousness, and amass more wealth without labor, than the most opulent farmer, with all his toils.

 - J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur

Tags:   lawyers  litigiousness  

Louis BrandeisInstead of holding a position of independence, between the wealthy and the people, prepared to curb the expenses of either, able lawyers have, to a large extent, allowed themselves to become adjuncts of great corporations and have neglected their obligation to use their powers for the protection of the people. We hear much of the "corporation lawyer," and far too little of the "people's lawyer."

 - Louis Brandeis

Tags:   corporations  lawyers  people