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Quotations about racism

Booker WashingtonI would permit no man, no matter what his color might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.

 - Booker T. Washington

Tags:   hate  racism  

Oliver Wendell HolmesThe mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.

 - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tags:   bigotry  racism  

Sigmund FreudIntolerance of groups is often, strangely enough, exhibited more strongly against small differences than against fundamental ones.

 - Sigmund Freud

Tags:   differences  hate  racism  

John McWhorter...white people calling themselves our saviors make black people look like the dumbest, weakest, most self-indulgent human beings in the history of our species, and teach black people to revel in that status and cherish it as making us special. I am especially dismayed at the idea of this indoctrination infecting my daughters' sense of self. I can't always be with them, and this anti-humanist ideology may seep into their school curriculum. I shudder at the thought: teachers with eyes shining at the prospect of showing their antiracism by filling my daughters' heads with performance art instructing them that they are poster children rather than individuals.

 - John McWhorter

Tags:   racism  schooling  

John McWhorterIs the reason black kids often think of school as white, that white people today don't like them, or that the system is somehow set against black kids learning? No: That analysis makes no sense, period. Only a heedless, numb kind of fealty, a quiet refusal to engage the actual individuals we are talking about, would insist that "racism" is why a black kid, decades after 1966, gives a black nerd trouble for studying hard. Racism sparked this problem originally, to be sure, but the solution today cannot be to wave a magic wand and "eliminate racism," because the teachers who exerted racism upon black kids three generations ago are now mostly dead.

 - John McWhorter

Tags:   learning  nerds  racism  schooling  teaching  

John McWhorterOn racism, [woke] philosophy teaches black people that cries of weakness are a form of strength. It teaches us that in the richness of this thing called life, the most interesting thing about you is that the ruling class doesn't like you enough. It teaches us that to insist that black people can achieve under less than perfect conditions is ignorant slander. It teaches us that we are the first people in the history of the species for whom it is a form of heroism to embrace the slogan "Yes, we can't!" [woke] philosophy is, in all innocence, a form of racism in itself. Black America has met nothing so disempowering -- including the cops -- since Jim Crow.

 - John McWhorter

Tags:   disempowerment  racism  weakness