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Quotations about greed

P.J. O'RourkeNo drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power.

 - P.J. O'Rourke

Tags:   alcohol  greed  ignorance  power  

EpicurusThe wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.

 - Epicurus

Tags:   greed  wealth  

Michel de MontaigneWe are all of us richer than we think we are; but we are taught to borrow and to beg, and brought up more to make use of what is another's than our own. Man can in nothing fix and conform himself to his mere necessity. Of pleasure, wealth and power he grasps at more than he can hold; his greediness is incapable of moderation.

 - Michel de Montaigne

Tags:   begging  borrowing  greed  moderation  necessity  wealth  

It is our follies that make our lives uncomfortable. Our errors of opinion, our cowardly fear of the world's worthless censure, and our eagerness after unnecessary gold have hampered the way of virtue, and made it far more difficult than, in itself, it is.

 - Owen Feltham

Tags:   disrespect  errors  greed  mistakes  

Horace The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more.

 - Horace

Tags:   greed  wealth  

Thomas SowellThanksgiving may be our most old-fashioned holiday. Gratitude itself seems out of date at a time when so many people feel "entitled" to whatever they get -- and indignant that they didn't get more.

 - Thomas Sowell

Tags:   entitlement  gratitude  greed  holidays