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Quotations about efficiency

Peter DruckerThere is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.

 - Peter Drucker

Tags:   efficiency  waste  

Robert TorrensUsury laws, though intended to protect the borrower, inflict upon him the most serious inconvenience. In periods of glut their operation is peculiarly injurious. As the want of a profitable vend is occasioned by ill-proportioned production, whatsoever obstructs the transference of capital retards the required correction in the distribution of industry, and renders the evil more permanent than it otherwise would be.

This objection against legislative interference with the interest of money, applies with equal force to all taxes imposed upon the conveyance of property. The less the transference of property is obstructed, the more rapidly will capital flow from the channels in which it is in excess, to those in which it is deficient, and the shorter will be the period during which commodities will be brought to market in undue proportions.

 - Robert Torrens

Tags:   capital  economics  efficiency  production  taxation